When you make high quality pizza ovens and accessories, you also want to present them beautifully. Together with Ooni, we create Shop-In-Shops, displays and POS materials for their Northern European retailers. A collaboration that we greatly appreciate.

"The high-quality and functional design of the displays that we were able to create and implement in multiple countries with the excellent expertise of Nordshop has helped us achieve a high-end presence at the POS.

Also, our retailers and costumers are satisfied with the final POS presentation."

Marie Rielinger / Ooni

Are you looking for a partner to help with a sales display solution?

Contact us today. We respond to all enquiries within 24 hours on weekdays. 

    Our customers

    Here are some of the clients we help with branding, visibility and upselling. The tasks are varied and we can probably help you too.