Online catalog and overview on large touchscreen for Isabella

We at Isabella, (Danish manufacturer of awnings, camping equipment and Camp-let caravans). With 4 subsidiaries, importers and dealers in 45 countries, we have a large customer base in many languages.

The development and printing of catalogs has for many years been a very demanding job for us, with a large consumption of resources as a result. Of course, printing has also been a very large item in the marketing budget.

To accommodate greater flexibility and customized product information solutions, Isabella has made a strategic shift in its communication with dealers in Europe. After redesigning our website, we decided to go all-in on a digital communication solution that offers many more user options for customers than the printed catalog.

The solution was a large touch screen at each retailer's premises. A long-term investment that benefits both customers and retailers. The touch screen at the retailer is linked directly to Isabellá's website. Updates, customizations and any product and price changes are updated live. The solution allows the dealers/customers to visually see the specific product wishes, make choices and options - just like when buying cars. We were looking for a stationary, elegant solution that could fit the dealers' needs without standing out too much.

The discreet design and functional features work perfectly and we are extremely satisfied with the final result.

In collaboration with our digital supplier, we were responsible for purchasing screens and computers ourselves and in close collaboration with Nordshop Display, we designed and developed our stand exactly to our needs - even cheaper than the standard solutions available on the market. We went through some changes during the process and Nordshop Display came up with a pragmatic and stylish solution and made sure to incorporate the features needed to get the optimal result.

Torben Ravn / Marketing Manager - Isabella Group

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