Helsam Group

At Helsam Gruppen/DermaVita, we have just launched a new and updated range of organic make-up from lavera.

Lavera's new make-up range is housed in nine smaller wooden modules with foam inserts. The nine wooden modules had to be placed on either a table or on shelves, which would take up too much space in the stores. So we went in search of another solution.

The following criteria were essential:

  1. To accommodate our partner, the display had to fit the nine wooden modules both in terms of material and lavera's original expression. material and lavera's original desire for expression.
  2. At the same time, we wanted to achieve a Scandinavian look.
  3. A reasonably compact solution had to be found to use as little floor space as possible.
  4. We wanted to achieve optimal and clear exposure of the products. We contacted NORDSHOP Display and together with Michael we went through our wishes and requirements for the new make-up stand. Michael came up with ideas and sparring for possible solutions.

The finished make-up stand was well received by lavera, who are very pleased with the result, which complements the brand according to their wishes. In addition to being in harmony with the products, it also delivers the clean, bright Scandinavian look that we wanted.

Subsequently, the stores have also welcomed the new make-up stand. It works really well in the stores, the products get the optimal exposure and the look of the stand fits well with the spirit of the stores.
We find that the make-up range looks better in our new make-up stand than it would on a podium.

We have had the pleasure of working with Helsam Gruppen to develop a new display for their organic make-up range from lavera. We at Nordshop Display thank you for a really good collaboration.

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